Web, Mobile



Designed and enhanced the experience of the Cyberk Website through the use of visual design and copywriting — with goals of increasing customer engagement and awareness.


Experience Design, Visual Design, Copywriting

Project scope

The objective for this project was to create a consistent design language that is aligned with the values and the representation of the company. The initial design lacked synergy with their product offerings as well as their brand identity.

This meant that the graphics used within the site had to be realigned and designed to better fit the values of the company.

Visual consistency

Cyberk is a company which enables expedient implementation of blockchain infrastructure platforms to suit a range of business needs. The visual language I wanted to capture had to embody a sleek and efficient brand, which delivers products based on quality code and systems.

As a result, the use of thin lines forming paradoxical geometric shapes was used to represent the untangling of complex challenges which Cyberk is able to provide for its clients.

Working with 3d renders

For this project, I wanted to leverage on the use of 3D objects to create a more engaging and immersive website for users to interact with, A 3D mesh of the logo was used in the landing page, which would rotate and move as the user would scroll within the web page, with the final frame inviting the users to discover more of Cyberk's offerings.

As the scroll position was linked to each frame of the video, the render had several iterations to fit the narrative, as well as the overall view-height when the user was scrolling. If the video was too long, users would have to scroll unnecessarily long to get more content, affecting usability.

Interface interactions

Content was further organised and structured through the use of interactions and component such as accordion and carousel styles to deliver content in a succinct and elegant manner — keeping content fatigue in mind.

" Users should not feel fatigued when consuming content — interactive components, animations and copywriting goes hand-in-hand with making content engaging."


Visual design, storytelling, animations, interactive components and copywriting all play a part in creating a dynamic website which keeps users engaged in the content we want them to consume.

Finding the balance in using these elements is what makes a website succeed in its goal of reaching its target users.

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